Intramural Sports Fall 2018 Preview


Intramural sports will be hosting student-focused events on the Hammond campus. Two new events, Pickleball and Big Pink Volleyball, have been added to the schedule for this semester.

Matt Dudzik, assistant athletic director for facilities and recreational sports, said one change that will occur this year is that teams will be grouped into different leagues based on their level of experience to make competitions more fun and competitive.

Dudzik clarified that anyone who wants to participate in intramural sports does not have to be particularly athletic and that it is fun for everyone to participate in. He also added that accommodations may be made for students who has class conflictions with the intramurals schedule.

The only fees that a student or staff has to pay for in order to be a part of the team is for bowling, which is only held in the spring semester. Any students or staff member can participate in these events.

Student favorites, volleyball and dodgeball, will be returning both semesters, Dudzik said. He noted that he is always open to suggestions for new activities that students and staff would like to see added to the program list.