Intramurals hosts new sport: handball
Students participate in intramural handball.
The PNW intramural sports department hosted handball at the Westville campus on Feb. 9. This was the first time handball had been offered.
Matt Dudzik, assistant athletics director for Facilities and Recreational sports, said he got the idea of handball from watching the 2016 Summer Olympics. Dudzik said that the intramural department likes to offer a variety of sports and activities.
Wasel Alahmed, senior, said that he heard of handball previously but that this event was the first time he played it.
“It’s real fun, almost like soccer but with your hands instead. Really cool,” Alahmed said.
Alahmed said that he hopes the event is offered again because he would definitely participate.
Handball is a high-scoring game that allows up to seven players to compete on each team. Whichever player possesses the ball can either dribble up the playing field continuously or take three consecutive steps ending in a pass to any teammate. The goal is to throw the ball through the goal and past the goalkeeper without entering the goalie box.
Dudzik said that handball was planned as a one-night activity but based on attendance, handball could be offered more in the upcoming future.
Every Thursday, intramurals offers something different for students and staff to participate in.
“Now it’s handball. Next it’ll be combat archery, then right before volleyball season starts, there will be a Twinkie eating contest on who can eat the most in three minutes,” Dudzik said.