From a galaxy far, far away comes a club devoted to bringing together fans who share ‘Star Wars’ love
Inspired by George Lucas’ “Star Wars” films, one student organization seeks to pull together students who share a love of the movie series. To attract members, the group participated in PNW’s annual Welcome Week this year. The organization wants members to recognize the power of redemption – while having a good time.
There is a club at PNW devoted to a work of art that’s older than most students – and even a lot of faculty members.
The PNW Star Wars club is a magnet for enthusiasts of the classic movie series.
“The Star Wars club is a group of people who enjoy fantasy and the message behind the ‘Star Wars’ franchise,” said Aaron Clarkson, a PNW senior and Biology major who is the group’s president.
“Star Wars” is a classic space opera told over nine films distributed between 1977 and 2019. It captivated fans with thrilling action, groundbreaking special effects and loveable characters.
Clarkson insists the club is devoted to the “Star Wars” message.
“The goal is for everyone to understand what ‘Star Wars’ the story is really about,” he said. “At the end of the day, we want people to understand the concept of redemption.
“Even when we feel at our lowest, we must always remember that — no matter what — one moment or mistake shouldn’t define our lives,” said Clarkson. “I think that is the important overall message of this club and being able to reflect on that message into our own lives is important.”
Some club members, like sophomore Hospitality major Graham Mirkut, have more modest goals.
“Star Wars club is an adventure for me to meet people that like what I like, and give theories about what is happening and in the future,” he said, adding that he has made quite a few “awesome” friends through the organization.