The “free lunch” is finally over.
The university is charging users of the handful of ChargePoint electric vehicle charging stations at the Hammond and Westville campuses.
After 11 years of providing free electricity, the university will charge $3 per hour for up to four hours, $5 per hour for four to seven hours and $8/hour for anything over seven hours.
“The approximate cost for electricity used and maintenance is about $15,000 to $20,000 per year,” said Brian Miller, director of Public Safety. “The chargers [have been] funded from the parking account that is paid through student, faculty and staff parking fees.”
The change is meant to cover the rising cost of vehicle charging.
At least some EV drivers don’t mind.
“I charge on campus sometimes,” said Thomas Roach, a Communication professor who drives an electric vehicle. “The pricing model doesn’t seem too bad. The rates for shorter charging sessions are manageable, but the cost for anything beyond seven hours could become a financial issue if used often.”
“If anything, this change would mainly discourage long use EV users from utilizing the stations since they could probably find cheaper alternatives outside of campus,” he said.
Miller said vehicles parked at the charging stations must be using them. Anyone who isn’t risks getting a parking citation.
The ChargePoint stations can be found at the northwest corner of the Anderson parking lot, near the Fitness and Recreation Center and on the west side of the parking lot near the Nils K. Nelson Bioscience Innovation Building in Hammond. On the Westville Campus, charging stations are located near Schwarz Hall.