STUNT may be PNW’s newest sport, but it’s already attracting a crowd.
Coach Madesyn Samples said the turnout was good for the team’s home scrimmage last month.
“There were a lot of people at the game,” she said. “The whole front stands were filled with people also filling up the sides and the back.”
Samples anticipates an even bigger turnout for her team’s regular season games.
“It is a super fun game to watch,” she said. “We are throwing people around, flipping, and doing really cool tricks head-to-head against another team,” she said. “It is easy to follow along … since it is obvious when one team does the routine better than the other. It is intense watching to see if anyone is going to fall, mess up, or to see who is going to do it perfectly.”
STUNT combines elements of gymnastics and cheer in a new sport the NCAA recognized as an emerging sport last year.
Samples said the rules are simple.
“There are four quarters with four rounds in each quarter,” she said. “We will have four partner STUNT rounds against each other, four pyramids or tosses against each other, four jumps and tumbling rounds against each other and four whole routine rounds against each other.”
The rounds in the first three-quarters are worth one point each, with a total of 12 points maximum across three quarters. Each round in the fourth quarter is worth three points. The most a team can score is 24 points across all four quarters.
The PNW STUNT team will be competing in its first-ever regular season home game at John Friend Court in Hammond’s Fitness and Recreation Center on Feb. 22 at Noon.