A lone star at PNW
Cody Dallas named student activities coordinator at PNW
Cody Dallas, student activities coordinator, has his office in SUL, Room 324-A.
Cody Dallas, student activities coordinator, has proven himself to have as much potential as Texas has land, but he stayed at PNW because of his connections here.
Dallas earned his bachelor’s degree in communication from Purdue University Calumet. He eventually went on to complete his master’s at PUC after being convinced by Lisa Goodnight, dean of students, that he should continue his education.
Goodnight recalled Dallas being the best student from Principles of Persuasion, a class she instructed, and said that he wrote the best paper in her class. She recognized his potential and convinced him to submit his paper to be presented at the undergraduate student research conference. When he graduated, he was hired as the graduate aid for the Dean of Students office while also teaching Fundamentals of Speech for three years.
“It was kind of a shock, and I jumped in headfirst,” Dallas said. “Which is why I think it was good for me because it kind of forced me into seeing all that I could accomplish.”
When Dallas finished his master’s and saw the position for student activities coordinator was open, he decided to apply because he enjoyed his work while teaching and his involvement in Peregrine Safe Zone, Step UP! and the Student Leadership Conference through the Dean of Students office.
“I grew to enjoy it, and seeing the outcome is rewarding to feel. Seeing it, I thought it was such a good shift into a career for me. I enjoy working with the people in this department and their philosophy. I agree we should all be advocates for students,” Dallas said.
His goal is to be dedicated to his job and create a big campus feel on a small campus by getting students to participate in activities more often.
“I’d like to get more involvement from students because we have a lot of events but not a lot of students show up. Often, they just show up to class and leave afterwards, but I want to change that,” Dallas said.
His passion for wanting students to become involved stems from his own personal experience through his work.
“I found myself through teaching and public speaking,” Dallas said. “I want students to come here and feel comfortable with themselves.”
Andy Pettee, director of Student Assistance, Leadership and Conduct, credits Dallas as a key figure in the department, especially during the Student Leadership Conference.
“I heard he was hanging out in the lounges with the students and just talking to them until around 11 at night,” Pettee said. “The great thing about him is that he seems to be a low key guy, but he’s always thinking and creating, self-improving and developing.”
Goodnight stated Dallas’ involvement with students is what made him such a good fit for the student activities Cody Dallas named student activities coordinator for PNW coordinator position.
“One of the reasons he was hired was because his student evaluations are some of the highest we’ve ever seen,” Goodnight said. “We needed someone who had been working with students but also had experience facilitating programs and creating activities for students who have not been involved with activities in the past. His experience with our student population and the dean of students really put him above all the other candidates.”
Goodnight also noted Dallas is someone with immense potential who she sees as having a bright future.
“We were happy to keep him because he could have done anything. Eventually, I hope he goes to get a PhD and becomes a faculty member,” Goodnight said.