Campus to undergo active shooter training

The areas the police will be training in will be marked with signs and barriers announcing the training.
Campus police will host a Response to Active Shooter Training to test PNW’s emergency preparedness with local law enforcement agencies on March 26-28 at the Hammond campus.
PNW is currently connected with 13 law enforcement agencies that would assist campus police if an incident were to happen on campus.
The training will familiarize these agencies with the PNW campuses and also give them up-to-date tactical training, Brian Miller, director of Public Safety, said. The training will take place in the west end of Gyte Annex from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Miller said active shooter training for the Westville campus will take place in the summer.
Scenario-based exercises will also be conducted. Real weapons will not be used. Instead, they will use simulated gun weapons that cannot fire projectiles, Miller said.
“When training, we learn about our strengths and those areas where we need improvement,” Miller said. “During a December 2015 lockdown drill, we learned that PNW needed thumb latch door locks on all classrooms and instructional labs.”
Thumb latch door locks are push-button locks that lock from the inside of classrooms and labs. The locks were installed in Summer 2016.