Horsing around at PNW
Intramurals to honor 65th year of basketball at PNW
Blake Liazuk exercises in the FRC.
Intramural sports will be offering a variety of sports and activities, including a new game, H.O.R.S.E, this upcoming semester. The H.O.R.S.E. tournament will be held on Sept. 11.
The game of H.O.R.S.E. consists of two or more players attempting to shoot the basketball from the same position as the previous player. If the previous player makes the basket, then the next player must copy. If the previous player misses, then the next player gets to decide the new challenge. The first person to spell out the word H.O.R.S.E. loses the game.
Matt Dudzik, director of intramurals, said that the H.O.R.S.E. tournament will be held in honor of the 65th anniversary of how the program began, by playing basketball outside. Dudzik said that someone will be making replica model of the storage shed with a basketball hoop that will be a trophy for the winner.
For the upcoming semester, the year will kick off with dodgeball on Aug. 31, which will also be held on Sept. 5 and 7. Some additional events that are planned for the month of September are as follows: “Intra Mural” contest, which begins on Sept. 5; four-on-four floor hockey league season, which begins on Sept. 12; field goal contest on Sept. 13; home run derby on Sept. 14; and an UNO tournament on Sept. 18.
Additionally, four-on-four flag football league season begins on Sept. 25, six-on-six volleyball season begins on Oct. 5, bags tournament will be held on Dec. 4 and as the 8-ball League is to be determined. Also, there will be a cupcake eating contest and baking contest.
Dudzik said that participating in intramural sports is a good way for students to meet new people and make friends by bringing them together.
There is no cost for registration and all of the events will be free, except for bowling. The registration fee for bowling is $20. The cost covers eight weeks of bowling time and equipment, such as the shoes and the ball.
Blake Liazuk, graduate student and undisputed intramural bowling champion, has participated in many intramural activities.
“I really appreciates Matt’s effort in organizing these events. He does a good job in getting people active in the campus community,” Liazuk said.
Dudzik said that any enrolled student or staff member from either the Hammond or Westville campus can participate in intramural sports at either campus. The student must be enrolled in at least one class or the worker has to be a full-time employee in order to participate in any of these events.
In order to sign up for the events listed above, the students and staff must go to the Fitness and Recreation Center. There are deadlines to sign up for each event.