Local student on a global scale

Matt Scheffer, junior business management major, spends his off hour catching up on reading in the library.
Matthew Scheffer, junior business management major, coffee enthusiast and experienced globetrotter, is PNW’s very own Renaissance man.
While working in business development for an adhesives company and a videography company, Scheffer also keeps himself busy with photography and editorials, all while writing his own blog. Scheffer’s goal is to “tell illuminating stories that create opportunities for others, especially for those that are marginalized.”
“If I can tell a story, whether that be through photography, entrepreneurship or marketing, then I know that principle or purpose that I have is being served,” Scheffer said.
Scheffer has traveled near and far to discover new stories. So far, he has been to Germany, Italy, Denmark, the United Kingdom, Austria and France as well as several states in the U.S. His first traveling experience was in Berlin on a church mission trip several years ago, and he is planning on returning to London in May.
Scheffer believes that global immersion is important.
“Learning how other people operate in their own context is beneficial for the way in which we can operate in our own context,” Scheffer said.
Scheffer’s thirst for adventure has enabled him to make connections all over the world. After working for Kahaila, a nonprofit cafe in East London, for a summer, Scheffer fell in love with the city and plans on attending graduate school in the United Kingdom.
“You certainly have to act on your opportunities,” Scheffer said about his travels. “There are definitely people who have kept the key to the gate and have let me through even though I did not deserve it.”
Scheffer’s passion does not stop at travel. When he gets down time, which is a rarity, he spends it enriching his hobbies.
“Whether it’s writing, gardening, everything coffee, photography, travel, design or film, Matt excels at what he learns and masters it,” Ashley Peterson, Fall 2015 communication alumna, said.
Peterson also said Scheffer is a master time manager.
“If Matt is involved in something — learning, serving, traveling, working — it’s because he has thought about it, and he only spends his time on things that directly contribute to his life’s goals,” Peterson said.
Aaron Davis, broadcasting communication major, described him as innovative and loyal, but Scheffer does not take credit.
“There are hundreds of people who have impacted me in small ways and have made me who I am, whether I have read their words in a book, had a meal with them, stayed in their home or worked for them,” Scheffer said.
Scheffer values community and makes it a point to eat lunch with friends. He also enjoys running, reading, riding his bike and writing his monthly blog posts. Scheffer hopes to visit Turkey, Australia, South Africa and islands off the coast of Iceland and Greece in the future.